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Re: Superchargers

To: "\"Mr. Mike\" Passaretti" <>
Subject: Re: Superchargers
From: Kristina Turner <>
Date: Sat, 18 Oct 1997 10:42:06 +0200
Cc: Joe Curry <>, Triumph List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <> <> <> <>
How do you get in touch with Judson? Do they still exist? Where do you
get the superchargers? What do you need to do to the bottom end of your

Information, please.

Adam Turner
'74 TR6

"Mr. Mike" Passaretti wrote:

> >>>>> "Joe" == Joe Curry <> writes:
>     Joe> It seems to me that Superchargers would not be as
>     Joe> good choice as a turbocharger on small engines, since
>     Joe> they are spun by the power of the engine thus giving
>     Joe> up a little HP in order to boost HP.
> More FFT, the Judson propaganda for the TR-3 assembly (which
> is what's going on my 4) claims 148HP peak output from an
> otherwise unmodified TR-3 engine.  With headers, a ported and
> polished head, and a few other tweaks, I can see getting
> ~160 from a 4/4-A setup.  That's not too shabby.  Of course,
> we'll have to see what it actually puts out once it's on
> there, but that's half the fun, non?
>                                                         -MM

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