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Re: Brake Bleeding Devices

To: Triumph List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Brake Bleeding Devices
From: Steve Witt <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 12:52:07 -0700 (PDT)
On Thu, 16 Oct 1997, Joe Curry wrote:

> Steve Witt wrote:
> > 
> > My wife used to cheerfully help me bleed the brakes all the time.  Then,
> > the last time, I had everything all set up, tubing connected to bleed
> > nipple, tubing running into Sprite bottle, etc.  Got my wife, she pumped
> > the brakes I worked the wrench and master cylinder.  "OK honey, all done,
> > I'll get the next wheel set up and call you".  I disconnect tubing while
> > she gets out of the truck (Toyota Land Cruiser).  She watches me and takes
> > a nice cool sip of Sprite.
> > 
> > Its funny now, but it wasn't then.  Needless to say, she hasn't
> > volunteered to help me with the brakes since then.  My son is 5, perhaps
> > in a couple of years... (just won't use milk bottles!)
> I just bet she didn't swallow it, Did she?
> Joe Curry   '63 Spit

She did swallow a little bit.  She got a horrible look on her face and
realized that something was very wrong with the Sprite.  We rinsed her
mouth out with water and I was ready to call the poison hotline but she
said that not very much went down and didn't want to.  She ended up being
fine, didn't get sick or anything.  It was a little scary at first not
knowing exactly what not to do.

Now I don't use any container that might cause someone to drink the
contents, and my wife no longer helps bleed brakes.

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