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Re: Rope trick

To: Kristina Turner <>
Subject: Re: Rope trick
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 1997 15:22:52 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <>
Kristina Turner wrote:
> Doesn't look like the rope trick - brilliant as it is - has worked.
> I took my boat out of the water last week and I had about 20' of 0.5"
> rope on it. I fetched the rope from the marina (no, I wasn't wearing a
> blue blazer and docksiders).
> I turned the engine to BDC and stuffed it in cyls. 1 & 4. I didn't have
> a long spanner for the main crank bolt, so I screwed back in two
> flywheel bolts and tried from that end.
> I used a 1 yard-long piece of 1" steel rod to crank it round and leant
> on it. No dice. Then got a foot on it and sort of stamped. Still no
> dice. Then I got a 3lb club hammer and whacked it.Yet still, no dice.
> Then I though about all the bad things that have happened to me today
> (2, excluding this, but I'm not going into them) and gave it a real
> ding. The shaft of the hammer broke, quite cleanly actually, but not so
> much of a smidgen of lift. Then, tying a kamikaze headband over my
> sweaty brow, I climbed on my work bench and leapt two-footed on the
> f**ker.
> Next thing I remember I woke up in an episode of ER. Well actually not.
> But I did shear a flywheel bolt.
> What does this prove? Well, firstly, that when really annoyed, I can
> produce about 160bhp (according to recent 130mph TR4 thread).
> Secondly, I think that I'm not going to get the head off. Unless,
> scions, you have another idea.
> If not, how far can I get with the tear-down without taking the head off
> (the engine's going to be rebuilt by a pro). Or should I just hand it in
> now?
> It might be worthwhile your knowing that I can't seem to shift anymore
> studs and that the engine turns over fine.
> Thanks once again for all help,
> Adam Turner
> '74 TR6
Dijja try my suggestion with the 2x4 block?

Another suggestion is to try to turn the engine over with the starter
after removing all the rocker arms.  With the valves all closed, the 
compression should blow the head off.

Finally, if all else fails, you could go to the local indian reservation
and get some M80 firecrackers and put them into each cylinder. That
should do the trick

My sympathies,
Joe Curry   '63 Spit

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