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Re: The real "Doctor Thing"

To: Craig Richburg <>
Subject: Re: The real "Doctor Thing"
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 15:15:18 -0700
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Curry Enterprises
References: <> <>
Craig Richburg wrote:
> Susan Hensley wrote:
> >
> > Hi all and Dr. Richburg,
> >
> > While I have gotten a good laugh out of our favorite doctor's ad and the
> > ensuing thread, I agree with the listers who have suggested that we
> > ignore this mess and hope it will cease.
> >
> > This list is for the "eddification" of Triumph owners -- what has been
> > learned here is several listers have had bad experiences with Dr.
> > Richland (seems to be mostly personality-based) and would not recommend
> > doing business with the man.
> >
> > He DOES sell Triumphs, albeit highly over-priced for those of us who
> > know Triumphs.  He does have a market out there -- there are people who
> > can easily afford his cars and don't know enough to look elsewhere, and
> > may well be very pleased with what they get.
> >
> > This list is here to impart useful information to its subscribers, not
> > as a want-ad service.  Dr. Richburg, if you have some pertinent, useful
> > information to impart to it, or Triumph-related questions to ask of it,
> > you are welcome here.  Solely posting ads for your goods/services
> > and/or  indulging in obnoxious non-Triumph-related behavior is not
> > welcome, and I would ask that if that is all you are interested in that
> > you unsubscribe or lurk until the time comes that you have worthwhile
> > comments to make.
> >
> > Yes, I know that some of the listers may have incited you to respond the
> > way you did.  The fact remains that you did respond in such a manner
> > when you could have held yourself above it all.  Instead, you brawled in
> > the mud with "the common folk," which, incidentally, puts you right down
> > to "their" level.  So please, no more "holier-than-thou" attitude from
> > you.
> >
> > This may not be the ideal place to advertise your expensive cars.
> > Please take that into consideration, and if you have something
> > worthwhile to post to this list, please do so.  You are more than
> > welcome.  If not, please go elsewhere.
> >
> > My .02 cents.
> >
> > Keep Triumphing,
> > Susan Hensley   %)
> To Susan Hensley and others,
> Your message is well taken.  The fact of the matter is that I can
> contribute to this list and I want to.  Contrary to popular opinion,
> I've completed most, in not all work on all my TRs over the course of
> years, not to mention, decades.  Judging from your threads, I've been
> where most of you are now.  When it comes to TRs, I believe I know what
> I'm talking about (trying not to present a "holier-than-thou" attitude.)
> There are many members on this list who personally know me.  They know
> and respect my knowledge for TRs.  However, I didn't get a chance to
> reach this point because of the "cheap shots."  It was not respectful
> and I was under the impression that those ugly comments were supported
> by most members of this list and that this list was out of touch with
> humanity and out of control with idiots.  I was mistaken.  Only a
> handful of members spoke out in opposition.  The others either remained
> silent or supported it.
> A "common forum" or list works well when it solicits new and other ideas
> from in and outside the forum.  I know because I have published many
> articles in numerous journals relating to this subject.  (those of you
> who have conducted research on me would know this.) I really do not
> think your list could accomplish much by discouraging new-comers.  This
> past week is a good example.
> I've tried to leave it alone.  But those of you with "holier-than-thou"
> attitude  and personalities made it personal and would not let it die. I
> am not being judgmental.  I must admit, at times I found it to be
> humorous.  However, enough is enough.
> I do appreciate your message and in some ways, it hit home.   It must
> end and I will end it from my part. I’d hope that all the negative
> remarks will cease on it own, SW SW SW (some will, some won’t, so
> what.)  Maybe it will, maybe it won’t and if anyone chooses to respond
> negatively, count me out.  They will only provide the proof need to
> support my original thesis.
> I hope this mess is behind us and I’d look forward to the opportunity to
> comment on Triumph-related matters.  Thank you for your consideration.
> Looking forward to a good relationship.
> Sincerely
> Dr. Craig Richburg

Dr. Richburg,

You're Excused!

Joe  '63 Spit (Po Boy Car)

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