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Re: The real "Doctor Thing"

To: Susan Hensley <>
Subject: Re: The real "Doctor Thing"
From: Craig Richburg <>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 16:27:03 -0400
Cc: Triumph Mailing List <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <>
Susan Hensley wrote:
> Hi all and Dr. Richburg,
> While I have gotten a good laugh out of our favorite doctor's ad and the
> ensuing thread, I agree with the listers who have suggested that we
> ignore this mess and hope it will cease.
> This list is for the "eddification" of Triumph owners -- what has been
> learned here is several listers have had bad experiences with Dr.
> Richland (seems to be mostly personality-based) and would not recommend
> doing business with the man.
> He DOES sell Triumphs, albeit highly over-priced for those of us who
> know Triumphs.  He does have a market out there -- there are people who
> can easily afford his cars and don't know enough to look elsewhere, and
> may well be very pleased with what they get.
> This list is here to impart useful information to its subscribers, not
> as a want-ad service.  Dr. Richburg, if you have some pertinent, useful
> information to impart to it, or Triumph-related questions to ask of it,
> you are welcome here.  Solely posting ads for your goods/services
> and/or  indulging in obnoxious non-Triumph-related behavior is not
> welcome, and I would ask that if that is all you are interested in that
> you unsubscribe or lurk until the time comes that you have worthwhile
> comments to make.
> Yes, I know that some of the listers may have incited you to respond the
> way you did.  The fact remains that you did respond in such a manner
> when you could have held yourself above it all.  Instead, you brawled in
> the mud with "the common folk," which, incidentally, puts you right down
> to "their" level.  So please, no more "holier-than-thou" attitude from
> you.
> This may not be the ideal place to advertise your expensive cars.
> Please take that into consideration, and if you have something
> worthwhile to post to this list, please do so.  You are more than
> welcome.  If not, please go elsewhere.
> My .02 cents.
> Keep Triumphing,
> Susan Hensley   %)

To Susan Hensley and others,

Your message is well taken.  The fact of the matter is that I can
contribute to this list and I want to.  Contrary to popular opinion,
I've completed most, in not all work on all my TRs over the course of
years, not to mention, decades.  Judging from your threads, I've been
where most of you are now.  When it comes to TRs, I believe I know what
I'm talking about (trying not to present a "holier-than-thou" attitude.)
There are many members on this list who personally know me.  They know
and respect my knowledge for TRs.  However, I didn't get a chance to
reach this point because of the "cheap shots."  It was not respectful
and I was under the impression that those ugly comments were supported
by most members of this list and that this list was out of touch with
humanity and out of control with idiots.  I was mistaken.  Only a
handful of members spoke out in opposition.  The others either remained
silent or supported it.

A "common forum" or list works well when it solicits new and other ideas
from in and outside the forum.  I know because I have published many
articles in numerous journals relating to this subject.  (those of you
who have conducted research on me would know this.) I really do not
think your list could accomplish much by discouraging new-comers.  This
past week is a good example.  

I've tried to leave it alone.  But those of you with "holier-than-thou"
attitude  and personalities made it personal and would not let it die. I
am not being judgmental.  I must admit, at times I found it to be
humorous.  However, enough is enough. 

I do appreciate your message and in some ways, it hit home.   It must
end and I will end it from my part. I’d hope that all the negative
remarks will cease on it own, SW SW SW (some will, some won’t, so
what.)  Maybe it will, maybe it won’t and if anyone chooses to respond
negatively, count me out.  They will only provide the proof need to
support my original thesis.

I hope this mess is behind us and I’d look forward to the opportunity to
comment on Triumph-related matters.  Thank you for your consideration. 

Looking forward to a good relationship.


Dr. Craig Richburg

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