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turn signal swap

To: "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: turn signal swap
From: "Lindberg, Andrew (MN12)" <>
Date: 07 Oct 1997 16:56:12 -0500
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Does anybody know whether the late-Spit turn-signal/headlight-dimmer/horn 
unit (from '79 and '80?) is a bolt-in replacement for the turn-signal unit 
on an early Spit/GT6?

The reason I ask is the two stalks to the right of my GT6's steering column 
(hi/low beams and overdrive) are one too many for me.  As Road & Track said 
in one of its GT6 tests, "We often found ourselves shifting the lights and 
dimming the transmission."  The late Spit unit (with the three functions on 
one stalk) seems like a simple, albeit pricey, solution to this problem.

I've been on this list a few years and I've noticed that direct answers to 
direct questions are often outnumbered, and outlived, by threads that were 
not always obvious to the original poster.  So as to be prepared in the case 
that direct answers to my question are not forthcoming (and I can understand 
that nobody would have tried this particular swap), I'd like to suggest some 
other potential threads that could be pursued from this inquiry:

1. Alternate locations for an overdrive switch (example:  "Why don't you 
just mount a TR3 overdrive switch on the GT6 dash?")  Seven out of ten 
relevance points.

2. Alternative uses for my overdrive unit.  (example:  "Just sell me your 
overdrive for $10 and all your problems will be over.")  Nine out of ten 
relevance points but zero likelihood of actual implementation, and only four 
on the humor scale.

3. The outrageous prices thread.  (example:  "Why are prices so high for 
Triumph parts when I can buy a Big Mac for only $2.49?")  Two relevance 
points but no points for logical content.

4. The do-it-yourself thread.  (example:  "Why buy that expensive piece, and 
pay the exorbitant shipping costs, when you could take a dremel tool and 
make one out of an 83 mm cylinder liner?")  Eight relevance points. 
 Implementation likelihood minimal.

5. The ergonomic thread.  (example:  "If you can't remember what the two 
stalks do, how can you keep three functions straight on one stalk?")  Nine 
relevance points but with the unfortunate danger that it could morph into a 
thread on cars with horn switches on the column.  (example:  "My Thunderbird 
had a horn switch stalk and I never could make it work when there was disco 
music on the eight track.")  One relevance point.

6. Beer.  ("If you're confused about which switch is which, just walk away 
from it, have a pint or two, and in the morning you'll have a headache.") 
 One relevance point but ten MADD points for recommending that the beer not 
be drunk while switching into overdrive.

7. Other.  ("I never saw a fuschia mule but I once owned a damson donkey.") 
 Zero relevance points

Andy (1970 GT6+)

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