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RE: TRF (Canadian alternative)

To: "'Rodney Orr'" <>
Subject: RE: TRF (Canadian alternative)
From: Peter Zaborski <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 17:52:08 -0600
Cc: "'TR6 List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

I actually called TRF the day I got the catalog. I called them in the
morning and asked where my catalog was since I had been reading about it
here for a few weeks. The person I spoke with replied that this flyer
was not sent to Canada and that only about 1 in 4 or 5 does get sent
here. Apparently they send out something once a month to US customers.
So when I got home that day guess what, the flyer was there. I don't
know why this was in cotradiction to what I was told but I was gald to
get it.

If not for his group I would have never known there was another sale and
would have never placed the order I placed with them today (Are you
reading TRF?). The last sale they had, by the time I got the info and
called, all the stuff I wanted was sold out!

I also mentioned to the TRF person the fact that it would be easy to
reach ALL their (web enabled) clients instantly via the web (ok not
everyone is web enabled yet but this is a matter of time - I think they
should be preparing for it now). This comment was met with the usual
non-interest in any issues related to the web/internet (no bitternes
intended here, it's just been my experience with TRF).

As for Obsolete Auto, I have spoken with them in the past but have never
ordered from them myself. Then one thing I did ask about (a rear brake
cylinder kit for a 76 TR6 - 3/4" vs all the other years' 0.70") was very
expensive ($22 Can). Thus I have not called them back. Perhaps I should
try again when next I need parts (oh I'm that won't be for a long while

Thanks for the suggestion.

Peter Zaborski
76 TR6 (CF58310 UO)
Calgary AB Canada

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Rodney Orr []
        Sent:   Monday, June 30, 1997 5:31 PM
        To:     Peter Zaborski; 'TR6 List'
        Subject:        Re: TRF (Canadian alternative)

        At 12:49 30/06/97 -0600, Peter Zaborski wrote:
        >Just finished placing an order at TRF to get the stuff I wanted
        >their Summer Companion Flyer (which I received only last week).
As usual
        >a bunch of stuff I wanted was not available. That's ok, but 

        Have you ever tried ordering from Obsolete Automotive?  They are
        Ontario, so there's no hassling with exchange rates, customs,
etc.  Prices
        are fair and stock is usually excellent.  They have a website << >>, email <<
>>, an 800
        order number and a fax, publish a monthly newsletter / sale
catalog they'll
        send you for free, and often have used parts available as well.

        I still buy from TRF - in fact I've several items on backorder
now...  I'm
        further north and still haven't received my TRF summer flyer.  I
have no
        interest in Obsolete other than to see them do well and continue
as a
        reliable, Canadian parts source.  

        Rod.   '70 TR6  CC55899L

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