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Re: Chalk one up for TRF

To: Henry Frye <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Chalk one up for TRF
From: (Charles Y. Farwell)
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 10:58:15 -0600 "Chalk one up for TRF" (Jun 22, 12:53pm)
Original-from: (Charles Y. Farwell)
Original-from: (Charles Y. Farwell)
References: <>
        Thank you for posting this! I had the same feeling about the rubber
        washers when I rebuilt my carbs, and have not been satisfied since.
        Do you have a part number for the cork washers?

Charlie Farwell             1962 TR4 #CT3852L

On Jun 22, 12:53pm, Henry Frye wrote:
> Greetings all,
> Thought I would share a positive experience I had with The Roadster
> Factory this week.
> I ordered a card rebuild kit for the TR3B. We are talking the stock SU
> H6 carbs. As I am doing the rebuild, I find rubber seals in the kit I
> can't identify. Not to worry, I think, as carb rebuild kits are
> notorious for providing lots of extra washers, seals, gaskets and the
> like.
> As I scrutinize the blowups in Bentley, Haynes, the Moss parts catalogue
> and the sheet that comes with the rebuild kit, I realize the kit is
> missing the cork seals that go on the ends of the spring around the jet
> assembly. Then I see the Moss parts catalogus shows an o-ring as a "leak
> free replacement" for the cork seals. OK, mystery solved. Or is it???
> The mystery seals just about fell apart in my hands, with rubber flakes
> falling off them as I rubbed them. I installed them anyway was less than
> satisfied by their performance. The jet is supposed to slide down when
> the choke is pulled, and the rubber seals bound up the jet's movement.
> So I call TRF customer service. I explain my problem to the woman who
> answers the phone, and she connects me with Dave. I explain the problem
> to Dave, and he pulls out his Moss catalogue. (Come on TRF, where is
> your TR3 catalogue???) We determine the part number of the original cork
> seals, he shows them in stock. Dave gets my phone number and says he
> wants to check that they are in fact cork seals, and he will call me
> right back.
> Five minutes later, my phone rings and Dave tells me he has the 4 cork
> seals I need in his hand and is putting them in an envelope. I got them
> yesterday.
> The problem was TRF's supplier of the carb kit put some bad seals in the
> kit, but TRF was happy to get me the right seals at their cost. Sure,
> the seals are probably only worth $1.00, but Dave was apologetic and
> happy he could fix the problem.
> I can't understand all the whining that goes on the list about our
> suppliers. Seems to me they all bend over backwards to get and keep our
> business.
> On an unrealted note, as I have already taken up way too much bandwidth
> on this post, the wife and I are leaving today for a trip to Ireland, so
> I will be experiencing list withdraw for the next week. I am staying
> subscribed to the Triumphs, Shop-Talk and VTR list while we are gone.
> Any guesses how many messages will be in my mailbox when I return?
> --
>  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>  Henry Frye            E-mail -
>  TR3B   TCF1927 L
>  TR250  CD8096 L                  A Little Town In
>  TR250  CD1074 L                  Connecticut, USA
>-- End of excerpt from Henry Frye

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