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Re: Whos' Going? VTR Nat.

To: Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 <>
Subject: Re: Whos' Going? VTR Nat.
From: Ken Streeter <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 1997 11:03:33 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <"Macintosh */PRMD=MOT/ADMD=MOT/C=US/"@MHS>
Richard Ceraldi-ERC004 wrote:

> Fellow Scions of Lucas,
>      Ok it's getting close enough now to really know if you are going to Ft.
> Worth for the VTR National Convention. A few of the locals in Austin that
> read this list are predicting no more than 10 participants from the list
> (inclusing the Texans) will attend as most of the cars (on the list) can't
> make it around the block without needing their trunions greased or get out
> of the garage due to junk stacked up behind them.


  Thanks for being willing to host the "SOL" (mailing list) group
at the pool party on Wednesday night.  I'll be there, with my
8-yr-old son, Benjamin.  (Will you have some root beer there,
too?)  That is, of course, assuming that we make the nearly
2000 mile drive (one way) to Ft. Worth on our dry trunnions!

You may want to print out one of the "SOL" flags to use as a
sign so that we can find you!  I sure would hope that there
would be more than 10 of us!  We had at least that many at
last year's National...

'70 & '74 TR6 Daily Drivers
VTR WWW Maintainer --

Kenneth B. Streeter         | EMAIL:
Sanders, PTP2-A001          | 
PO Box 868                  | Voice: (603) 885-9604
Nashua, NH 03061            | Fax:   (603) 885-0631

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