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Car show judging

To: "tri" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Car show judging
From: "STU-JO" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 1997 22:02:30 -0400
Cc: "8" <>
Does anyone have any insight as to how people choose the best car in class
at our various shows? For the second year in a row, in our club a 250 with
a nice paint job won first. Under the hood, which is always closed, the
whole engine compartment, (including the carbs! has been painted with black
crinkle paint.
The second place went to a red TR3 in average shape, while a BRG TR3 in
close to concours condition came in 3rd.
Last year I took 2nd with my red TR3 which also was not as good as the BRG

I always felt that if the hood wasn't open, it meant the engine bay was not
in good shape, so I never voted for a car with a closed hood. However
people have told me the lines of the car look better with the hood down. I
must say I was disappointed my 8 got nothing after I spent two months
painting the engine compt, buffing all the alloy , redoing wiring etc.

Also, what about the age of the car?

My conclusions are that :
The smaller the better
Red beats any other color
In the same class, the older car will win
A clean engine bay is unimportant 

What do you guys think?

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