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Re: Low (?) Oil Pressure

Subject: Re: Low (?) Oil Pressure
From: Justin Wagner <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 10:02:00 -0700
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: Justin Ltd.
References: <> wrote:
> John,
> You wrote:
> "At start up with 20-50 oil the pressure is at 90lbs.
> After 50 miles, at idle the pressure is maybe 15lbs acording to the
> dash gauge. Idiot light never comes on.  The engine shows no sign of
> excess wear no unusual sounds, and the sparkplugs are clean."
> You may not have any problem at all. My car has a TRF shortblock with
> about 3000 miles on it. It has an oil cooler, electric fan, and rebuilt
> head. My oil pressure after a good drive (30 miles or so) indicates
> about 12.5 lbs. when idling at about 700 rpm and runs just over 50 when
> driving. The owner's manual indicates the pressure should be 45 to 60
> lbs at 2000 rpm and may drop to 25 lbs. in competion type use.
> What is your pressure while your driving? What is it at 2000 rpm? Does
> it go right up when you bring the engine off idle? What does your temp
> gauge indicate? Mine runs at half when cruising and climbs to the second
> to last mark when fully hot and idling at a stop light. This is with a
> fresh change of Castrol 20W50, a Fram spin-on filter, and oil cooler.
> I wonder what other people are seeing for idle oil pressure and
> temperatures.
> I hope these observations help alittle. I wouldn't be too quick to start
> fixing a problem that may not exist.
> Kerry

For 8 years (on my first TR 4A)... I watched the oil guage and temp
gauge like a hawk... when it got hot... I turned the heater on...  when
the oil pressure seemed low... I played with the bypass spring...
replaced the oil pump... tried different weight oils... stressed...
stressed... stressed...

then I looked back... and realized... I never really ever truly
"overheated"...  and I never really had low enough oil pressure to be a
problem...   I had been a fool... 
Continue to watch the guages... but don't let them rule you!  Sudden
dramatic changes are something to look for... while driving... etc.. but
don't stress... 

to Kerry... 12.5 pounds does seem low to me...  at worst... my TR 4A is
like 35... 95% of the time... it's around 40 to 55...  even at idle...
But like you said... there doesn't seem to be a problem... you're not
over-heating... it's running good... etc... 

I'm really talking to all you guage watchers out there...  Don't STRESS
just cuz you've got a guage!   Otherwise you should cover 'em with tape
and put in idiot lights!

Los Angeles

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