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Calif. SB-42 Update

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Calif. SB-42 Update
From: (Shane F. Ingate)
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 97 15:53:03 PDT
"My Fellow Californians...."

Update on California SB-42 (25 year Smog Exemption):

It was scheduled for a vote before the Assembly Transportation Committee
today, but it has been re-scheduled for next Monday (6/16)  (sigh....).

So for all you California procrastinators, you have one more week to call
the Transportation Comittee members and voice your support.  If we don't
voice our support, we have no one to blame but ourselves if it fails to

Following are the Assembly Transportation Comittee Member names and their
Sacramento office phone numbers.

Assemblyman Kevin Murray (Chair)     916-445-8800
Assemblyman Scott Baugh (vice chair) 916-445-6233
Assemblyman Joe Baca                 916-445-7454
Assemblyman Jim Battin               916-445-5416
Assemblyman Larry Bowler             916-445-7402
Assemblyman Tony Cardenas            916-445-1616
Assemblywoman Liz Figueroa           916-445-7874
Assemblywoman Sally Havice           916-445-6047
Assemblyman Ted Lempert              916-445-7632
Assemblywoman Kerry Mazoni           916-445-7783
Assemblyman Tom McClintock           916-445-8366
Assemblyman Bill Morrow              916-445-7676
Assemblywoman Grace Napolitano       916-445-0965
Assemblyman Rico Oller               916-445-8343
Assemblyman Don Perata               916-445-7442
Assemblyman Charles Poochigian       916-445-2931
Assemblyman Robert Prenter           916-445-7558
Assemblyman George Runner            916-445-7498
Assemblyman Jack Scott               916-445-8211
Assemblyman Tom Torlakson            916-445-7890
Assemblyman Howard Wayne             916-445-2112

        Shane Ingate in San Diego

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