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Re: Unleaded fuel

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Unleaded fuel
From: (Pete & Aprille Chadwell)
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 1997 06:39:13 +0100

I think you'll be alright until you have the chance to work on the head.
The effects are supposedly quite long-term in nature, and would require
much hard driving and high speed operation at that.  You mentioned hardened
guides, and I'm not aware that this is the problem.  Definitely the valves
are, as well as the valve SEATS, which you didn't mention.  My TR6 motor
has hardened valve seats on the exhaust port only, and according to my
machinist, (if my memory is correct) this was all that was absolutely
necessary.  The valves themselves, although new, were not hardened if I

Good luck!

Pete Chadwell

1973 TR6

>I have a question about unleaded fuel.
>There seems to be some debate as to the negative effects of running
>unleaded fuel in my '75 Triumph Spitfire. Should I use a lead
>substitute? How much valve damage/degredation can be expected if I do
>not use an additive?
>I plan on changing the valves and guides to the hardened variety after
>the head needs rebuilding. The car only has 35,000 miles on it, and I do
>not see this happening anytime soon.
>Anybody have any comments on this subject?

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