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Unleaded fuel

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Unleaded fuel
From: Mark Townsend <>
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 1997 23:22:24 -0400
You wrote:

My '75 Spit does not have a catalytic converter,and the Haynes shop
manual seems to verify this. It seems the converter was not installed
until '76.

I seem to get the feeling from all the responses I got that using
unleaded fuel is not a problem.

Thanks to everyone!

My 76 is a non-catalytic version - hence requires leaded gasoline. I would
reccomend using a lead substitute in your fuel unless the head has been
rebuilt with newer valve guides (seats-whichever).

My 76 Owners Manual states that the occasional tank of unleaded fuel will
not introduce serious damage, but this should be avoided.

My $0.02 worth.

Best Regards

Mark Townsend
Rochester, NH
76 Spitfire
87 Turbo Quattro

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