I won't tell you how you should maintain your relationships, but if your
fiance' doesn't share your passions now (e.g. the spitfire) or allow you
to indulge yourself, then you are headed for a bad time.
Been there, doin' that, wearin' the t-shirt.
I'm out somewhere in the $50k or more region.
Have a nice weekend!
p.s. me? Bitter?
Bob Lang Room 11-221 | This space for rent.
Consultant MIT Computer Services |
Voice: (617)253-7438 FAX: (617)258-9535 |
url: http://web.mit.edu/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/b/l/blang/www/home.html
Quote: How many Triumphs do you own??? I'm sending them one at a time to
the lawyers.