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Re: Horror Story

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Return requested), (Return requested)
Subject: Re: Horror Story
From: Peter Mchugh <>
Date: 19 May 1997 08:19:26 -0400
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     I'm really disappointed in you one has yet suggested 
     saving this hapless young man's life by suggesting he use the gun 
     (grease or otherwise) not on himself, but rather on the original 
     Unless I am mistaken, I've seen the car, and it is well worth 
     saving...despite the initial misfortunes.  If I have seen the car, it 
     is now in good hands, though I agree with those who suggested getting 
     used to doing as much work as you can, yourself.  
     I strongly encourage you to speak with the owner of the shop where the 
     car now rests, share your tale, and ask that you get to lean over the 
     bonnet with Robbie or Gail (respect the fact that most mechs don't 
     really enjoy having someone looking over their shoulder, and that for 
     them, the time they spend teaching comes from their pockets) who are 
     really neat and knowledgeable guys...they know and will share a lot 
     with you. 
     I'll send more after I have a chance to confirm that I have indeed 
     seen your yellow LBC!
     Keep the faith!
     Pete McQ
     76 Spit (among others).

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Horror Story
Author: at Internet
Date:    5/16/97 12:53 PM

Okay, when I bought my Spitfire last year from the DPO, I knew it 
needed some work. but little did I know the horror that lie before me. 
Around Mid March (17th to be exact), I took the little inca yellow car 
out of winter rest and found the brake lines to have air in them.
"No problem" I thought "I can handle that".  After 2 hours of bleeding 
and no results, I threw in the towl and lumbered the car to the local 
repair shop. "Not a big deal. Even though they're not British car 
mechanics they can bleed some breaks. And while they're at it they
can weld the broken muffler mount back on."
Note: this was the first mistake that lead to a downward spiral.
Well, after a week of them fidgeting with my car, they instruct me
that my uv joint is bad, and the need to replace the valve cover gasket 
due to leaking oil.   Among other things (aside from the gasket, the
UV joint replacement, a new exhaust pipe (after manifold upto but 
not including muffler), and "remounting the muffler" using a large 
rubber-looking piece of hardware attached to the frame of the car, & 
I pick-up the car 3 days later (to the tone of $615).
One week later, my hydrolic clutch goes out (lost fluid somewhere).
So, after attempting to unsuccessfully bleed the clutch (I really should 
have just bought the stupid vacuum bleeder) I take it back to the same 
shop (my parents of course swear by these guys).  I figure "Hey, they
just need to bleed the hydrolic clutch. You don't need to be a specialist."
Note: I must have been high on something that week. I don't kno what 
I was thinking.
A week later (I love the way they mechanics get around to working on my 
car.) I get a call...'Well, the clutch is not a problem, but you need new
break shoes on the rear', so I figure "hey, if they got to do it, they've got 
to do it. another -$360 to my bank account.  I picked it up on a Saturday
eve..  Oil is getting blown out of every seal on the engine.  Of course I can't 
talk to anyone because they don't get in until the LBC sits....
Note: You'd think I'd have learned by now right?  also I find out later they 
change the shoes, but not the cylinders.
Okay, I call the mech on that monday "Dude, there's oil blowing out of every 
oriface on the engine and orifaces that weren't even there before. What's up?"
 Mechanic "we didn't touch the engine, must be cooincidence that it happened
right at the same time as you picking it up."  Okay.  My parents have trusted 
this guy for past 20 years. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Note: I think I'm actually getting more stupid every day that passes.
I take it back to the shop. Another three days pass (I think they have a 
"u-store it
for a week THEN we'll look at it policy).  "Well, you've blown all he seals on 
the lower half of the engine. And since we're changing the seals, you should 
let us change the timing chain and timing gears."  Two days later:  "We can't 
get the parts until next tuesday. and the blowing of the seals was caused by a 
venting problem from the carbon canister blowing into the engine. But we
fixed it.
(They didn't).  Rather than wait another 5 days for my car, I  offer to get 
the parts from a parts place in VA. That weekend, It's ready
again (to the tune of $420) (plus the $140 I paid the parts place for the 
Note: I have had a total of about 10 miles of use out of my car for a total of 
$1395 so far. over a 3 week period.
I pick the car up on a Sunday this time...The car is STILL blowing oil out 
of the
dip stick (while it's in with a new seal) AND the car is now idling at 1500 rpm 
(These guys have a misunderstanding about the fact that it's a Spitfire 1500).
The next day I drive it DIRECTLY to a Triumph MGB specialty place.  (I have to 
go out of town for a week) I pick up the car yesterday (Wed.)
Mechanic for the great job he's done replacing the cracked intake manifold, the 
screwed-up venting that the other mechanics caused, replacing the idiotic hose 
configuration they had going to the carbon canister, a new distributor, The car 
soudns FANTASTIC. It's humming like a well-oiled british beauty. I've got 
$600 in the bank. The Cool mechanic says "I'll cover you for a month" you 
can owe
me the other $180 of the $780 bill." ME: "GREAT! You guys are the best!" 
I'm almost in tears having been apart from my beautiful yellow LBC for so 
long (a
month and a half now.)
(Grand total so far, $2175) in a time-frame of about 2 months. BUT 
That is until, I got 20 miles down the road and threw a rod.
Now, I've borrowed $125 to have the car towed back to VA.  I have no money 
to have any further repairs for atleast a month. My question is:
Does anyone have a gun I can shoot myself with?
-Terry Dumb Previous Owner '76 Spitfire (Rest in Peace)

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