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Re: Re[2]: TR4

Subject: Re: Re[2]: TR4
Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 16:01:27 -0400 (EDT)
In a message dated 97-05-22 00:33:31 EDT, you write:

>  Thanks for the quick reply.  The commission number on the running TR4
>       is CT 38713.  I know nothing of the "Triumph List" and would like to
>       learn more about it.  Please send me further information.
>       Your answers to my questions are greatly appreciated.
>       Thanks Again,
>       Bob Morton

Bob, your car is a late model '64 TR4.  Was built sometime after mine
(CT33118L - the L means left hand drive - mine was built in May '64).  TR4's
were built in numbered sequence from 1961 (CT1) to Jan '65 (CT40304) when
production switched to the TR4A's (with CTC 50xxx etc.).
A look at the number on the other car will give you an idea of when that was
built.  Suggest you buy a book entitled "Original Triumph TR" by Bill
Piggott.  Good reading and it will give you a wealth of info. ( As always -
it is not infallible but ---)

As for the "triumph list".  It is a mail list for TR owners or interested
folks.  About 500 or so nice, friendly knowledgable people from all over the
world.  There are two options 1) the list itself  - which will give you up to
20 or so messages per day about all kinds of Triumphs or 2) the digest - a
summary, of the messages on the list, once a day.  I suggest that you sign up
for the list and try it for about a week.  If the mail is too much you can
unsubscribe and then subscribe to the digest.  Here is how to get on:

1) Send a msg to:
2) Leave the "Subject" blank
3) In message (or text) section type: subscribe triumphs

 You will get a welcoming message from the list.  This message will give you
instructions on how to post mail, change to the digest etc.  Let me know when
you are on, then I suggest that you lurk for a few days to see how it goes.
 Also - If you have a problem getting on the list come back to me and we'll
work it. 

You might want to consider joining a local club and the Vintage Triumph
Register.  And feel free to e-mail me directly anytime. Cheers.

Art Kelly '64 TR4 CT33118L (original owner)
Vintage Triumph Register (VTR) TR4 vehicle consultant

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