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Re: 59-TR3A Girling Brake Qx

To: "Moody, Mark" <>
Subject: Re: 59-TR3A Girling Brake Qx
From: Henry Frye <>
Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 15:57:27 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Organization: TTC
References: <3926C6D0@admserv>
Moody, Mark wrote:
> Thank you.  I replaced all the rear lines and the hose.  When I bled the
> rear I got fluid at each wheel.  I guess I should maybe order some spacers
> parts and hope they were just installed wrong.  Thanks. 
>  ----------


If you have brake fluid at each wheel, I don't think the spacers hanging
up the wheel cylinder is your problem. It appears to me the action of
the wheel cylinder assembly sliding in it's hole in the backing plate is
to equalize the pressure on both brake shoes. If you have _no_ braking
at all in the rear, it is not from the wheel cylinder failing to move,
it is from the piston in the wheel cylinder not working. 

I would disassemble the rear brakes and insert a screwdriver in the slot
in the piston the brake shoes were in. Carefully move the screwdriver to
rotate the pistons in their bores. If the pistons were really stuck, I
would remove both wheel cylinders, clean throughly, replace the seal in
each cylinder and reinstall. 

Replacing the dust boot and the three pieces is necessary only if the
parts are bent of damaged. I've always been able to clean the metal
parts up, and the rubber dust boot gets replaced.

If the pistons were a little stuck and now turn freely, you could be OK.
I would think the turning motion in each wheel cylinder should free them
up enough so you can get braking action. I always spray some brake
cleaner on the back plate in the area the wheel cylinder slides back and
forth and slide the wheel cylinder assembly through it's range of
movement before reassembling the brake shoes, etc.  Realign the piston
so the brake shoe will engage the slot, and reassemble. 

Good luck
 / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \
| Henry Frye                          E-mail |
| TR3B   TCF1927 L      |
| TR250  CD8096 L                              A Little Town In |
| TR250  CD1074 L                              Connecticut, USA |
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