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Re[2]: Horror Story (Large Content)

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net (Return requested), (Return requested)
Subject: Re[2]: Horror Story (Large Content)
From: Peter Mchugh <>
Date: 19 May 1997 11:58:39 -0400
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     I, for one, would be willing to contribute time to help do some of the 
     less technical sorts of things on your get it into your hands 
     and on the road...I am much more concerned about how you go about 
     converting your fiance'...they have a way of being a real distraction 
     (when it comes to LBC and other hobbies).
     Jeff is the owner and though very knowledgeable (and a Princeton 
     graduate), not really a mechanic.
     Robbie did the work trying to correct the emissions plumbing...and had 
     some trouble trying to put things right since some key components are 
     (were) missing.  Talking with him would be high on my list of first 
     next steps.  (BTW, He owns two GT-6s and a Vitesse).
     I've spoken with Jeff...and will give him copies of these 
     messages...for my money, these guys really know LBC and can make the 
     worst problems go away...they are good about sticking to estimates so 
     getting those is important.
     Pete McHugh 

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Horror Story (Large Content)
Author: at Internet
Date:    5/19/97 10:48 AM

You've probably seen it.  It's over at Motorhead currently (the last guys 
that worked on it).  It's a '76 with MD tags "THE SPIT" (Though I seemed 
to have misplaced the "S" as it more appropriately is "THE PITS". The 
body is in excellent shape.  Only some surface rust on the edge of the 
bonnet (where it meets the body of the car).  And a little (even less) 
around the running boards.   I've been meaning to  de-rustify those few 
spots, but I haven't had the car for longer than a 24 hour period in over 
a month and a half.  The interior is completely shot (except for the new 
cover I put on the dash).
Jeff (one of the Mechanics at Motorhead that worked on my car).  Said 
we'd work something out so that I don't sell it off or use it for scrap
parts (With my hot irish temper, the british car is lucky it doesn't already 
have a large sledge hammer imbedded in the bonnet.)
But, I understand that LBC's need love and affection.  I don't need to 
tell you guys (and gals), that they're not the modern day car which is a 
"vehicle" which people use and abuse.  All LBC's have their own quirky 
personalities.  They need love and devotion to keep them happy.  (I know 
this sounds totally insane and I should probably seek some psycho- 
therapy for saying it, but when I drove my LBC.  I had this "feeling"
that the car loved being driven around as much as I loved driving it. I'll 
go put my straight jacket on now.)
As for working on the car myself, my plans were to keep delving out
my vast fortune on the car in perpetuity.  When I got the car, I had lots 
of disposable income.  My job gives me little or no free time to indulge 
in any hobbies, but I plan on changing that little factor (when I found 
out that I'm not only the imposed upon of employees in the dept. but also 
the least paid by several thousand dollars a year.)  I fully had
the intent on someday learning about car repair (I have the general idea 
of how an engine works, but I couldn't tell you what a crank shaft or a 
cam shaft are or what the difference is.)  I worked in a hardware store 
for 5 years (and have general tool knowledge) and a large collection of 
tools (too many to even consider listing).
Right now I have several road blocks causing my reluctancy in spending any 
more money on "the pits".   One is: I just moved into a new place & now 
have less money to burn.   Another problem is my fiance' has other plans 
for my money (she's hated my little british crap...I mean car since the 
first time she saw it. She wants a VW Karmman Ghia - GAG.)
For the moment, I'm divided two ways on keeping the car (for as much 
as I love that style and personality of that LBC, all of my friends, 
family and fiance continuosly tell me to ditch it.)
Right now, I need to go tune-up my new vehicle..... an '89 Schwinn.  : )
-Terry (No working LBC)
>     I'll send more after I have a chance to confirm that I have indeed 
>     seen your yellow LBC!
>     Keep the faith!
>     Pete McQ
>     76 Spit (among others).

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