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Re: Beautiful Noise - Non LBC<

Subject: Re: Beautiful Noise - Non LBC<>
Date: Mon, 19 May 1997 14:02:13 +0000 (GMT)
Cc:,, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net, RICHARD.JACKSON@NENE.AC.UK
>To Mike, Kurt, and fellow listers:

>Even thought there was no LBC content, I personally enjoyed reading both
>posts very much.

Me too,

>First of all, Mike, a hearty Thank You to your dad on behalf of the rest of
>us for whom he made such a sacrifice.

In the area I live in, there are quite a few old overgrown airfields, both RAF
and USAAF(Grafton Underwood being the Biggest), it's always interesting to have
a nose around the ruins and absorb the atmosphere!

>I was born in 1940, and by war's end I was old enought to know a little about
>what was going on. Of course, most of what I knew, I learned from my little
>friends, who were passing on what they had heard from family members, and
>most of it was wrong. None-the-less, it made such an impression on me that to
>this day I have a sense of dread any time I hear a large prop driven plane
>fly over. I didn't live near an airport, so every time a large plane flew
>over, we just knew we were going to be bombed. I don't have that same feeling
>with jet planes, as they came along after I was old enough to have a better

Where abouts did you live, I didn't know the Germans or Japs had a bomber with
a range long enough to reach the USA!!! :-)

Being born in 1969 I missed out on the blitz by quite a few years :-) but my
Mum lived next door to a pub in the West Midlands and had to shelter in the
pub's cellar!!!! What a place to hide eh!!!! All that warm beer! :-)

And while were on this totally un-LBC topic, I'll mention Spitfire, as that is
what I think it was I saw fly over my house yesterday, it definately had Merlin
power!!! Now that IS a sound to experience!!!!!! 27 litres(don't knwo what cu in
that is) of pure power!!!!!!


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