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Re: Phony Sportscar!

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Phony Sportscar!
From: Tom Tweed <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 19:42:48 -0400
Hello Nolan, you said it best :

 > like
>motorcycles to me, where everybody waves and to hell with putting on airs.  I
 >don't care if
 >you're in a Triumph, a Miata or a Jeep.

Keep in mind that the Miata owner who you give the `cold shoulder' to
when he waves, is still a potential Triumph owner, or perhaps an
actual Triumph owner, such as one of our new listers !

I say, if you snub a Miata owner just to be snobby, then don't be
surprised if the same Miata owner sees you broken down by the side
of the road, and...drives on by !!  For those of you who are of the
philosophy, `I'd rather push a Triumph than drive a rice-burner',
well, I DID push my '74 Trident home in the wee hours on a summer
morning, years ago, about 6 miles, mostly uphill, and I would have
been very glad to get help from anyone good enough to stop, no matter
what sort of transportation he was planted in or on.

Did you buy a Triumph for the same reason you'd buy into an expensive
country club ??  So you could look down your nose at the non-members ?
I surely hope not, that's not what this hobby means to me, or to the
other Triumph owners I've met around here.

I say, give 'em all a wave and a smile, it doesn't cost you anything,
and you may be glad, down the road, if someone sees you in need of
a hand, and stops to offer help.

Best regards,
Tom Tweed
SW Ohio
'72 Trident 750cc  basket case

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