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Re: Spitfire/GT6 master cylinders

To: Mark Iansiti <>
Subject: Re: Spitfire/GT6 master cylinders
From: Dave Fain <>
Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 05:46:40 -0600
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <19970514235057.AAA13108@LOCALNAME>
Mark Iansiti wrote:
> Dave Fain Wrote:
> > I dread installing
> >the rubber dust excluders that cover the holes in the
> >firewall.  You guessed it, "replacement is the reverse of
> >removal" according to the manual.  Does anybody have any
> >tricks for installing these that they would like to share?
> >The last time I did this, I spent a couple of very
> >frustrating hours in a contorted position under the dash
> >coaxing them into position with needle nose pliers and a
> >variety of small screwdrivers and they still leaked
> >profusely.
> Just a thought Dave, have you tried wrapping a string in the groove around
> the rubber covers and, after starting the lip, pulling the string slowly to
> work the rest of the cover into place?  May not be much better than what
> you're trying, but it's thought.  Anyone else tried this?
> Mark
It did occur to me to try this, but I was able to lever
the boots into place with a long, skinny screwdriver.
The trick is to put the part towards the rear of the
car that you can't get to easily into place first,
squeeze the sides and push them almost into place, then
the front, which is easy to get to.  Once that's done,
you can work the sides into the groove from underneath.
It wasn't as bad as I remembered. Thanks for the 

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