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Re: Spitfire Stromburg Carb Adjustments

To: Nolan Penney <>
Subject: Re: Spitfire Stromburg Carb Adjustments
From: bill nichol <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 17:03:06 -0400
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
Get yourself a dgv weber and make yourself smile....

Penney wrote:
> I'm finding myself somewhat befuddled in adjusting a Single Stromburg
> Carb.  Silly me, I thought to myself, how hard can it be?  I've adjusted
> and rebuilt many a carb before.  But nooo!  This carb wants to play
> strange games.  It isn't helping matters that nothing I've come accross,
> even the Stromburg Carb Tuning Manual, mentions an order to adjust things
> in.  Grr!
> So, here I am with a running Spitfire that wants to idle at around 1500
> rpm.  I have determined that my vacuum retard on the distributor has a
> hole in it.  But when it comes to adjusting the carb itself, I'm a bit in
> the dark.
> Idle speed screw backed all the way out and not touching, no difference
> in idle speed.
> Idle mixture screw (both coarse and fine) I can make it run ragged, but
> that's it, which is allright).
> Main piston, results vary all over the place with regards to slightly
> lifting the piston and noting engine rpm change.  I've made no needle
> adjustments yet since I put it all back together.
> That air bleed screw thingie on the side, screw it out and eventually the
> engine just starts dying on its own.  It will not simply lower rpm, it
> just keeps on going down until the engine stalls.    If I adjust it till
> the engine barely keeps that 1500rpm idle without always dying, it's very
> ragged on acceleration and high(er) rpms.
> Choke, I have one, it worked the first time I started the car.  Haven't
> noticed it doing anything since then.  But then, I've lost track of how
> this thing works down inside that carb (where's the front butterfly?!).
> If it's an enrichner circuit, I don't know where it draws air from.
> Noise is entertaining, hell of a rushing sound at idle.  Just off of this
> high idle, and the sound completely disapears.
> Any sage comments would be welcome at this point as it regards to this
> most interesting of carbs.  And to think, I really thought years of
> experience with cv and vv motorcycle carbs would help me here! <g>
> Especially telling me where to start and what order to go in.

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