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Re: Guestbook entry re: Non Delivery of parts.

To: Sales <>
Subject: Re: Guestbook entry re: Non Delivery of parts.
From: Nolan Penney <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 14:54:25 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <>
> We have tried to deliver the parts that you ordered to the address you
> supplied originally (234 Farmhouse Lane) without success.  We asked you for
> confirmation (by email) of the address that you wished us to use for a
> second attempt, but as yet have not received a reply. (perhaps our message
> went astray ??). I can assure you that had that information been received
> then the parts would have been re-issued.
> We find your comments to be most unfair and feel that perhaps a telephone
> call would have been more appropriate to resolve the situation.
> Please indicate if you wish to go ahead with a re-issue of parts or whether
> you would prefer a full refund.

Back in December I ordered a hose kit from you folk.  

The order came, and was shipped back.  I discovered this at my post office.  I 
e-mailed you folk, appologized for the mess, gave a new longer address (dual 
actually), and added some items to the order.  

Your folk replied, thanking me, and telling me when the package arrived in your 
shop it 
would be remailed with the new address.  

Several months went by, and I e-mailed to you folks twice at the end of March, 
asking if 
there was a problem, and when the package had been shipped.  For it most 
hadn't arrived in this nation.  On the second e-mail, I got a brief reply on 
April 1, 
telling me you had had e-mail problems, and that the package would be with me 
Pretty clear indication that in fact you all had not actually remailed my 
package like 
your people had said they would.  Also a pretty clear indication that it was in 
currently being shipped.  Something now even more clearly not true. 

My credit card was never billed for the additional items I had ordered.  You 
folks had 
ignored my second order.

Last week at the begining of May (five months after I placed the order I never 
received) I finally wrote you all again, telling you I was very disapointed in 
all this, 
that I had obtained the parts elsewhere, and to cancel the order.  I heard 
nothing from you.

The other day, nearly a week after writing you, I posted a comment about your 
inadeqacies and poor handling of my order in your guest book.  Only then did 
you finally 
reply to me, and only to complain about me. 

For you to try to tell me that you've e-mailed me about my address sir, is an 
bald faced lie.  I e-mailed you about it before you had any idea there was a 

For you to try to tell me that if you had an address you would have reisued the 
is another lie.  You've had my address for many months now.  You had a 
corrected address 
before that package came back to your shop in fact.  Your folk even told me on 
April 1 that you'd shipped the package.  Another lie quite clearly.

For you to try to tell me my comments are most unfair is absurd.  I have been 
patient with you folk.  Far more so then I obviously should have been.  The 
initial mail 
address problem was mine.  Everything else was 100% your fault.  Not most of 
it, not 
some of it, but absolutely all of it.  

You have lied to me innumerous times now over the course of several months 
regarding my 
order.  You are lying to me now trying to tell me I never gave you a good 
address, and 
that you contacted me about it. 

I _strongly_ suggest there be some quality control auditing and honesty 
training done 
within Rimmers, for the problem clearly lies within the walls of Rimmers.  The 
seems to clearly reflect the dishonesty and deceit of its employees.  I have no 
with understanding accidents and mistakes happen.  But for you to now attempt 
to portray 
it as my fault, and portray me as unfair... you go too far.
> Assuring you of our best attention,

Lying to a customer is not a way to assure them of your best intentions.


Nolan Penney


PPS:  You failed to properly delete my guest book entry.  All you've done is 
change it 
to a car I don't have.  That did read Spitfire yesterday, not TR8.

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