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Re: hood and smoke questions

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: hood and smoke questions
From: (Shane F. Ingate)
Date: Thu, 8 May 97 08:50:30 PDT
Anthony Green wrote:
        > The hood rattles when it idles. The seller showed me a couple of
        > little rubber plugs on the hood that have worn down, making the
        > hood a bit loose when closed. Does this sound reasonable? Are they
        > easy to find and replace?

Mmmm, with only 24K on the clock?  The hood cannot have been opened
and close that much to cause wear.  Yes, the buffers are easy to replace.
I'd first ensure that the milage was not 124K, rather than the stated 24K.

        > It doesn't have a very smoothe idle. The seller claimed that you
        > don't want a smoothe idle. ???? Does this sound right?

If its a stock motor, it should idle smoothly.  If its rough enough to
rattle the hood, its either a highly worked motor, of it has some problems.
Even a moderatly tuned motor will idle smoothly.

        > There was some smoke coming out the exhaust. I saw a little black
        > smoke and a little grey. What would be a reasonable amount of
        > smoke? Is any amount reasonable?

Warning Will Robinson, warning!  To me, the black smoke indicates burning
oil, and the grey, water (head gasket).

It seesm to me that this car is in need of work.  Unless you are an experienced
hobbyist and want a project, I'd stay clear of it.  The seller does not seem
very knowledgeable.  As most on the list will say, buy the very best you
can afford; a project car could turn your first LBC experience sour!

        Shane Ingate in San Diego

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