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Triumphs, pontoons and the weather

To: "'Triumphs Digest'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Triumphs, pontoons and the weather
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 13:25:21 -0500
Hi List:

About a week ago I wrote the list bemoaning the fact that I had just 
got my TR6 out of storage and was about to be inundated up here in 
Winnipeg by the Red River Flood.  In fact, I think a put a query to 
the list about the availability of TR pontoons.  Well, besides a 
couple of close calls, all of us are still dry.  The crest has now 
passed and the Red River is about 2 feet below the permanent dike 
protecting my area.  That's not to say that we didn't have a few 
surprises: last night, after about an inch of rain, the storm sewers 
in my area backed up and flooded my street to a depth of 2.5 feet 
(thank God they carried rain water only and weren't the sanitary 
types).  This new lake has now been drained but it's still going to be 
another 2 weeks before the river drops.  I guess the TR will have to 
sit in the garage (sewer backup notwithstanding) till then.

So when Johnny "Storm" writes:

>Dear all, my poor little trixie triumph doesn't know what to make of 
>weather here! Last week it was roof down and shorts on (me of 
>but today it's snowing! The hills are covered and the high streets 
not far
>behind! Oh the wonder that is Wales!!! :-) :-( (one doesn't know what 

I have to say, don't lose hope Johnny, it's easier to think when 
you're facing 2.5 feet of water.

Brian (now where did I put that snorkel) Lanoway
Winnipeg, Canada
73 TR6 CF 6985U

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