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FW: HELP! I can't change gears on my TR6

To: triumphs
Subject: FW: HELP! I can't change gears on my TR6
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Sun, 4 May 1997 23:05:19 -0600 (MDT)
[BOUNCE triumphs@Autox.Team.Net:  Admin request: /^subject:\s*help\b/i]

     Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 21:22:18 +0800
     From: Chris and Kathy <>
     Subject: HELP! I can't change gears on my TR6

To one and all!

I jumped into my TR6 this afternoon after a long drive in the morning, and
found that it was progressivly harder to change gears. By the time I got to
my destination, I could not put the car into 1st. In the end I had to get
home by driving in 3rd Gear (that is starting and stopping in 3rd). If I
trurned the ignition off the gears would engage perfectly, however when the
engine was on I could not change the gears. On contacting and explaining to
the mechanic that I use my predicament (via phone), he seemed to think that
I had blown a "master seal". He then suggested that I fill the oil reserve
for the clutch. I have done this but it has not seemed to do anything. Oh
when I have the car in gear with my foot on the clutch, the car appears to
crawl along. It almost seems that the clutch is burnt out.

I'm taking the car in next week to the mechanic, but to satisfy my mind can
anyone suggest what it may be?

All the best.

Perth, Western Australia

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