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FW: Stuck Bonnet

To: "''" <Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: FW: Stuck Bonnet
From: "W.R.Burgman" <>
Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 23:40:10 -0500
Sent this message originally 4/27/97 but had trouble subscribing to the list 
don't know whether there were any replies.
Sorry to bomb the list again. Reply to my email directly if you can help.
Rick Burgman
From:   W.R.Burgman[]
Sent:   Sunday, April 27, 1997 1:12 AM
To:     ''
Subject:        Stuck Bonnet

I just acquired a 1967 TR4A which I am enjoying very much. This is just about 
like the one I learned to drive on in 1963 ( a TR4 of course ).

One annoyance with the car was the bonnet which kept popping open on any but 
the tiniest bump. I adjusted the cable release so that the spring loaded catch 
would fully engage the locking pin but now I can no longer release the bonnet 
at all. Is there a way to access the catch short of prying up the bonnet to the 
detriment of the paint, catch and sheetmetal. It seems that the same thing 
would happen if the cable broke or became disconnected with the catch engaged.

Since I am new to the list I hope I'm not covering old ground but I don't have 
a shop manual yet.

Rick Burgman

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