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Re: spit - leaky brake bleeder nipples

Subject: Re: spit - leaky brake bleeder nipples
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 00:14:29 -0700
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Yes, the bleed nipples can be easily replaced.  I think I got several at a local
NAPA store for about a buck apiece a few years back.  The thread is 3/8-24, and
they have a 45 degree cone on the end.  It would be worth it to yank the old 
and take a look.  As often happens with bleed screws, rocker covers, oil pans 
such, folks think that if tight is good, tighter must be better.  So they crank
down on it and warp or damage the actual sealing surface doing so.  If the seat
in the alloy cylinder is not too worn, a new steel bleed nipple will likely seal
fine.  If a new one leaks, the seat in the cylinder is damaged, and the best bet
would be to replace the whole thing.


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