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Re: TR4 Fuel Pumps / parts price ?

To:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: TR4 Fuel Pumps / parts price ?
From: (Bruce T. Clough)
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 11:49:33 -0500
Guys, gals, etc...

Think about this paradox as if it was a pyramid scheme:

Am I going to undercut the prices of my "down line" when I rely on my "down 
line" for profit?  No.  Those companies make their cash by selling large 
quantities to vendors (their customers).  They are not going to jepardize that 
relationship by doing your little jobs on the sides at prices below their 
usual customers.  Never bite the hand that feeds...

Just my humble opinion...

Bruce (Dayton wanted $219 per wheel while TRF wanted $149)'re 
right - been there, done that! 

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