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Re: R.A.F roundels 'n stuff

To: "Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver" <>
Subject: Re: R.A.F roundels 'n stuff
From: Martin Libhart <>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 1997 07:37:55 -0600
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
References: <Pine.PCW.3.95.970226112640.2063B-100000@macr211>
Johnny Storm:- International Racing car driver wrote:
>   I had read somewhere about the spit R.A.F roundels but i have yet to
> see any on a car. Can you still buy them, I've not seen any in
> catalogues,etc. Was it a U.S only thing? I quite fancy a set for my spit
> (wrong model I know!!!).

> Johnny Storm
> '77 Spitfire 1500 (wannabe Battle of Britain edition!)

It is still available through TRF.  I have one for my Mk. 3 restoration
project.  It's a single badge that mounted on the front left of the
bonnet top surface.  Unfortunately, it's about $40, but it is a nice
reproduction.  I have seen two different Spits at british car shows
recently that had the ORIGINAL still mounted - both were '70 Mk.3's, and
both were US versions.

Martin Libhart
1972 TR6 (driver)
1970 Spitfire Mk.3 (under restoration)

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