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RE: nyloc nuts (was Re: Spit rear end trouble found)

To: "'Michael Galloway'" <>
Subject: RE: nyloc nuts (was Re: Spit rear end trouble found)
From: Chris Prugh <>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 1997 16:49:43 -0800
Cc: "'Triumph List'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>

        You should be able to find those at most well stocked hardware stores.  
Unlike the bolts, the grade of most american made nuts...esp. nyloc style...are 
of usable grade and quality for your lbc.  I would NOT reuse the old ones 
unless forced to (ie.  late night roadside repair).

Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar

From:   Michael Galloway[]
Sent:   Monday, February 24, 1997 9:41 AM
To:     triumph mail exploder
Subject:        nyloc nuts (was Re: Spit rear end trouble found)

i was just thinking about this today at lunch. i'm in the process
of repairing/restoring/mending all of the little things the DPO
could or would not do. to this end i'd like to build up a stock
of nyloc nuts to have on hand. can someone recommend a selection
of nuts (nylocs :) to have on hand? i'd hate to have to mailorder
two 5/16-20's just to finish a job. 

-- michael galloway
   '78 spitfire

On Tue, 25 Feb 1997, Kris Cotton wrote:

> Hi Paul
> Isuspect he may have replaced those bolts and nuts, BUT I feel it highlights
> the dangers of reusing the nyloc nuts. They are only supposed to be used
> once and if removed tossed out, not put back on the car as they can loosen
> off and run away.
> Tony 

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