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Re: your mail

To: "Ed Burger" <> (Return requested), "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: Re: your mail
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 10 Feb 1997 08:16:53 -0800
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Ed Burger wrote:
> I like it because it sounds a little "fat" and "meaty" compared to the 
> sound of the original resonator and muffler set up.  You can also use the
> Supertrap, as others have suggested, or a turbo muffler.  Really, it 
> on how loud you like it.  I agree that the horsepower loss/gain will not 
> noticeable (you've only got about 68 hp to play with), but I think you
> should have something more than a straightpipe as that would get tiring on 
> long drive.  Remember, it may sound good for 20 or 30 minutes, but 2 to 3
> hours of the droning will give you one mighty headache.

Are you pleased with what you got?  It sounds very similar to what I
planned to do after further thought.  I'm going to put a straight pipe to
it, since the pipe is free to experiment with.  Its not really that loud
right now, and it has no exhaust system at all.  Only once you reach 5000
rpm or so.  Whatever I do, should I put a rosonating tip on the end?  I 
wanted to put
a tip of somesort on.... I'll probably just have to see how it sounds...
Ed - very pleased.  I read a posting from another member who installed a 
dual exhaust into two resonators tucked under the boot, and he said it was 
"loud".  Well, not to start a flame war, but frankly I have a hard time 
believing that a little 68 to 75 hp motor needs a dual exhaust system or 
that it makes any improvement over a good low restriction single exhaust 
setup, such as the one I described.

OTOH, dual chrome exhaust tips sprouting from under the rear bumperettes 
would look pretty cool.  If you got the money ...............  As I said 
before, I do think you'll want SOMETHING on it to muffle the sound a least a 
bit.  I mean for christsakes, have you ever driven a long distance in a car 
with a shot muffler or straight pipe?  After a couple of hours your brain 
goes numb, your ears go numb, and your ability to think clearly begins to 
cloud.  It really isn't very fun.

As to cheap versus "quality" glass pack or turbo muffler - IMHO you get what 
you pay for.  Ask you local high performance muufler shop which one they 
recommend.  And consider this -- glass packs, even good ones, are relatively 
cheap.  If it blows out (which most do after a few years) it's as easy as 
pie to simply cut the pipe and install a new one.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C  Coupe

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