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RE: exhaust for '65 spit

To: "Ed Burger" <> (Return requested), "" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net> (Return requested)
Subject: RE: exhaust for '65 spit
From: "Vincenti, Ross" <>
Date: 06 Feb 1997 07:53:03 -0800
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Ed Burger wrote:
Does a 1965 Spit legally need a muffler?  I was thinking of mabyr just
running a pipe out the back.  If not, what mufflers are recommended?  Do
you have to buy lbc mufflers??  Will standard american car mufflers
work?  how about high end mufflers?

Ed - I just installed an exhaust system in my 64 Mk I Spit using the 
following pieces - I have a Mk II tubular header, I then had a local muffler 
shop weld a short straight pipe behind it, then a 30 inch glasspack, then a 
straight pipe out the back with a nice bologna slice chrome tip.  Looks 
great and sounds terrific.  Total cost was about $100.

I like it because it sounds a little "fat" and "meaty" compared to the vapid 
sound of the original resonator and muffler set up.  You can also use the 
Supertrap, as others have suggested, or a turbo muffler.  Really, it depends 
on how loud you like it.  I agree that the horsepower loss/gain will not be 
noticeable (you've only got about 68 hp to play with), but I think you 
should have something more than a straightpipe as that would get tiring on a 
long drive.  Remember, it may sound good for 20 or 30 minutes, but 2 to 3 
hours of the droning will give you one mighty headache.

Ross D. Vincenti
64 Spitfire 4
64 Porsche 356C Coupe

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