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Re: TRF (little LBC content)

To: (Mark R. Anderton),
Subject: Re: TRF (little LBC content)
From: (TeriAnn Wakeman)
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 06:31:53 -0800
Cc: Triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
At  9:52 PM 2/4/97 -0500, Mark  R. Anderton wrote:
>On Mon, 03 Feb 1997 22:44:24 EST (Jack I Brooks)
>>I like TRF for their devotion to authenticity.  I also had a number of
>>back orders, and was dissapointed by the standard 4-6 week response
>>for backorder schedule.  I have started ordering the backordered
>>pieces,  from other reputable sources, as I require them.

>The trend today in business is to keep NOTHING in stock.  Electronic
>commerce  and "just in time" ordering has made it non-profitable to keep
>stuff on the shelves hoping someone will buy it.

Just in time is a current trend for manufacturing companys. They
essentually moved their stock to thier parts suppliers.  Its up to the
parts suppliers to provide the manufacturer the number of parts needed when
they are needed, and manage their own manufacturing and procurment so that
they don't have a lot of $$$ sitting on shelves while meeting the
manufacturer's needs.

In today's world the most sucessful companys focus on meeting thier
customer's needs with the best product.  If you do not meet your customer's
needs or have a poor quality product your customer becomes somebody else's
customer. Excellent advertisements, PR and leadership chrisma can offset
quality and meeting customer's needs.

The Roadster Factory, Moss, Victoria British are all parts suppliers to you
and me.  To meet my needs, I have to have a part when I need it.  If my
sole transportation breaks a water pump, I want a water pump overnight
delivery at the latest.  I want the water pump to work and have a good
working life span, and if I am trying to keep my car original, I want to to
look like the factory original part.  And I want the part for a reasonable
cost.  The company that can best meet my needs gets my business.

2 to 4 week backorders are only acceptable to me when It does not affect my
restoration/repair/ refurbishing schedule.

> I think TRF's "special projects" are a little too cute, but I
>applaud their devotion to our common obsession.

Charles has the right to spend his money however he wants.  If he takes
profits from his car parts business and puts it into his other businesses
instead of reinvesting in parts its his right to do so.  If they guess
wrong on their stock levels it affects customer satisfaction.
Personally I got tired of trying to order from TRF and being told that a
part is out of stock or NLA when Moss had the part in stock and invested
the money to have the NLA reproduced.  Moss does seem to be reinvesting
their profits to keep parts in stock and have NLA parts reproduced.

I purchase from the company that best meets my needs.


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