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Re: kill switch/turn signals

To: Brian Lanoway <>
Subject: Re: kill switch/turn signals
From: Spitfire 1500 <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 08:35:08 -0500
Cc: Triumph Digest <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
References: <>
Brian Lanoway wrote:
> Doug Mitchell wrote....
> >Besides, in the words of a former Talk-Radio auto show host, "Anyone
> >who steals a British car deserves what they get." (For the humor
> >impaired: ;))
> Although the thought of this does make me smile, I would like to find an
> effective way to keep my TR6 out of some joy-riders hands.  I've thought of
> ignition kill switches, a hidden Lucas battery cut-off switch ;) , an
> expensive car alarm system or even connecting my car to my home alarm
> system with a "motorcycle anti-theft cable".  Short of putting the car on
> jack stands and hiding the wheels, what do the rest of you do to "theft
> proof" your cars?
> Brian Lanoway
> 73 TR6 CF6985U

Put a tarp over it! ;-)


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