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RE: List conversations and petty bickering

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: List conversations and petty bickering
From: Chris Prugh <>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1997 08:33:44 -0800
Cc: "'British List'" <>, "'Triumph List'" <>
        Well, you have a valid point.  It does seem as though the 
correspondence has gone a little by the wayside, but remember, throughout most 
of the country, (U.S.), the weather is not all that conducive to lbc driving.  
As such, the relative rate of actual lbc content drops and the stir craziness 
brings out the uglier, more petty side of folks.  For instance, I know Teriann 
Wakeman, and although she is a hardcore Macolyte, she is normally a well 
grounded, true TR3 afficianado.  We have experienced quite a few days of rain 
here in CA, and the normal sunny disposition of folks is a little damp around 
the edges.  As winter subsides, the talk will resume it's more natural 
progression toward the trials and tribulations of many more driven lbc's, hence 
revealing their true nature and the retelling of the aforementioned problems 
and the listers solutions to said.  IT WILL blow over, and we will have our 
list back, as surely as I wrench here today!  Hang in there and pray for an 
early spring!

Happy New Year
Chris Prugh
72 Spitfar

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