At 08:38 PM 14/10/96 -0400, you wrote:
t....... Instead go the usual route of sandblasting followed by etch
>primer and then a good frame paint. I used POR 15 with good results.
I am finally coming to some conclusions regarding the many options to clean
my (rusty) frame. I am having the frame chemically stripped and de-rusted as
ther is no way to access the rusty rails with any media blasting product. I
am skipping the Phosphating process in an effort save $$. I was planing to
use an etching primer followed by POR15 as you suggested. Now my question,
The POR rep recommends that I skip the etching primer and apply the POR 15
directly to the frame. What were your thoughts on this and were you advised
to use the etching primer or were you just more comfortable in doing so ?
The reason I ask is because when I pick up my frame it should be painted
ASAP. I was planning to stabilize it with an etching primer after which I
have to do a few repairs (welding etc). After all repairs have been
completed I was going to proceed with the POR-15.
Thoughts, comments, suggestions appreciated.
Ron Botting
Surrey, B.C. Canada
57' TR3A (TS23731)