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RE: Teak wood Dash

Subject: RE: Teak wood Dash
From: "Richard Ceraldi-ERC004" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 1996 9:11:46 -0500
X400-mts-identifier: [ /P=MOT/A=MOT/C=US/ ; m\il02n\960930091146o ]
Non wood guys,
With all this talk of Teak and wondering if it will handle the weather or 
warp, etc. Have you ever noticed that sailboats are covered with the stuff 
and are out in the environment more than any of your dashes ever would be? 
On a boat they might get an occasional dousing of oil if they have the kind 
of owner that does that, otherwise it just sits in the sun and rain. Teak is 
a very stable wood. If I was betting on which would last the longest setting 
outside, teak or plywood, all my money would be on the teak. Haven't you 
ever seen a delaminating dash on a beater TR6?
Richard Ceraldi
Austin, TX

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