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TR3 Gas and Water...

To: "TR's" <triumphs@AUTOX.TEAM.NET>
Subject: TR3 Gas and Water...
From: Doug Mathews <MATHEWS@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU>
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 96 10:46:22 EDT
Yes, I know, they do not mix, but I have 2 questions....

I recently purchased a 63TR3(TCF1520L) and on its maiden voyage, it
started skipping and stopped. Having had TR's, I suspected fuel problems
because of the nature of the way it quit, sputtered, idle rps went up,
etc. Having no tools to pop the carb float bowl, I could not determine
if there was fuel indeed to the carbs, but the sediment bowl on the fuel
pump appeared full. I could wait a few minutes, and start the car and
drive for a while before it would go dead again. But repeating the
waiting process or coasting down hills, I made I back home and rebuilt
the fuel pump.

When I disconnected the line from the the tank to the pump, I expected
to have gas rush out and was prepared to stop it, but it drips out
slowly. Is this correct, or should I get a steady stream of gas, since
it appears the tank is above the fuel pump? I went ahead and rebuilt the
pump, and yes, it still quits, and I have to play the wait and coast
routine. My next actions are going to be to start and examine the fuel
lines from the pump working back to the tank. Any to her suggestions?

The water issue is more a question of time to warm up and the car
running somewhat hot. It seems tome that the engine warms up very
quickly, a lot faster than I remember my old TR's. It only takes a few
minutes at idle to get the temp up and then it want to run midway
between the 185-230 mark....higher than I think it should. Ideas on what
to look for to drop the temperature?

Thanks in advance.




95Nissan Maxima

 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
 =                 Douglas D. Mathews                          =
 = Voice: 706-542-6820        Internet: MATHEWS@UGA.CC.UGA.EDU =
 =   FAX: 706-542-0349                                         =
 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

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