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RE: Wolfrace nostalgia

To: (Triumphs)
Subject: RE: Wolfrace nostalgia
From: Daren Allder <>
Date: Thu, 12 Sep 1996 13:36:00 +0100
Organization: *
Richard Jackson wrote:
I'm 26, so I wasn't even in my teens in the seventies, but I DO remember   
Pipes/Bonnet bulges and frenched aerials........Are you suffering from
selective amnesia, or was it a genuine oversight???? :-)

Blimey (and "stone the bleedin' crows, Mary" and other   
Dick-van-Dyke-isms), yes!  Hey I'm "only" 29 myself...

Side pipes, bonnet bulges and scoops, frenched aerials/lights....  yes   
it's all coming back!

Black 'n' flames paintwork, perspex portholes, mirror-filmed windows,   
personalised green sun-strips,  Escort "rally" arches,  rear window   
louvres,  IMSA arches made almost entirely of body filler,  red lights   
under the back of the car to illuminate the rear axle,  prismatic   
registration plates,  ludicrous numbers of foglamps, Richard Grant front   
spoilers (from the same catalogue as the Wolfies..)   Oh the flood gates   
are opening.  Time to find all them early copies of "Street Machine"..

I remember two TR7s from early Street Machines (British custom car   
magazine) from about 1979:

One was truly gorgeous.  No I'm not joking.  Lots of the "angles" were   
smoothed out: nicely flared arches, no bumpers, and panels added from the   
rear of the roof curving down to the back corners (I'm struggling to   
describe this in case you hadn't noticed)..  I'll have to get hold of the   
article and scan it, so I can mail it to interested parties.   The other   
was a TR7 body on a shortened V8 Range Rover chassis...

still in Reading, UK  

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