Hey Peter,
You'll have to do much more than just change wheels to approach anything
resembling the bad `customized' jobs I'm thinking of. Maybe if you re-
placed all your carpet with green shag, air-brushed a likeness of Elvis
onto the hood (bonnet), cut down the windshield height to about 6 inches,
and put some wrinkle-wall RaceMaster slicks on the rear wheels, and filled
up the area behind the seats with speakers for your 8-track, THEN you'd
be getting close to being a paragon of bad taste, IMHO !!
But hey, like Bruce C. says, you can buy a prime steak at the best restau-
rant in town and then drown it in ketchup if you want...it's YOUR steak,
and likewise, it's your car !!
More two-cent opinions on request,
Tom Tweed
SW Ohio