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Re: O.D. "WOW"

Subject: Re: O.D. "WOW"
From: (Christian Simonsen)
Date: Tue, 10 Sep 1996 20:29:09 -0400

A couple of hours after my beloved PHOTENE (it was either name him after my
great aunt or figure out the greek word for cockroach) cut my fingers
dreadfully, I found a similar gray substance in my newly exposed OD screen
filter and magnetic spacers.

I didn't expect the magnets. Aparently the DBDLPOGU (Deceased
but-still-loved-PO-great-uncle) put three thin flexible circular magnets
under the screen filter. These attracted a great amount of grey material as
well as a few chips. Are the magnets a part of the OD or just a creative add
on? Anyhoo they work well. 

Being an electrical engineer turned tinkerer after a run in with the devil
LUCAS, I had to play around with the stuff instead of just flushing. As my
hand throbbed in pain (which I do not like, contrary to any thing you've
heard about the spanking rumours), I dropped the magnets and the filter in a
coffee can filled with an appropriate solvent (that I treat environmently as
well as health wise responsibly). After a few homebrews and a couple
swishings (the can and not me!) I found that the solvent was very clear and
that very little material remained suspended or remaining at the bottom of
the can. Most of the grey material seems magnetic, so in my case I would
expect that some is clutch mateial and most is unattached metal. 

Which is another reason why I wanted Bruce's OD tranny. I hat that I missed
out on that. But I digress.

Sum it all up. I put the screen and the magnets back in, put new oil in the
tranny and the od, kept my bloody but bandaged finger clean(cut to the bone,
it looked cool until I felt woozy), and it (my finger, that is) is now
healed up. And I still miffed (but more so with a p) about losing out on
Bruce's OD.

Christian Simonsen  
Virginia, USA

1954 TR2 TS1675  long door waiting for attention

1963? TR4 CT 24093 LO having a sticky clutch and needing attention 

Homebrewer extraordinaire (in one of my wildest dreams anyway)

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