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Re: 76 TR 6 Starter Solenoid

Subject: Re: 76 TR 6 Starter Solenoid
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 22:48:36 -0400

Lucky you,  I just got done working on mine all afternoon Sunday,

No I don't beleave you can remove the solinoid without removing the starter.

Yes it can be redun, but, around here anyway noone does them.

Now to find out if its your starter or the coil, just turn the key on and
,while wearing saftey glasses of course ,cross the two large terminals from
coil to starter ,with a four inch screw driver, one that your not real fond
of works best.  Now if the starter motor cranks but the gear dosn't ingage
then, yep it's the coil.

Now if you know how to solder take the solinoid off and unsolder the two
wires coming from inside, carefully then, after marking the top and the body
with a dab of paint for correct realingment ,and to get the wires correct of
course, take the two screws out and pry off the top.  Thier will be a contact
plate and a spring on the inside that have to be realingned when you puit it
back together so take note.
Now clean the plate and reverse the way it goes back into the base and then
clean the two contacts that mount two the top. Oh use some emery paper to
remove the pits that have accumulated and arn't allowing for good contact.
 Nowthen if you are still with me.  Reverse order and get it all back
together don't solder yet.
Get a set of jumper cables and put the solinoid in a vise connect the
negative to the body of it and the positive to the unmarked or larger
terminal othat has the wire coming thru it that you put back.  Hook positive
to pos and neg to neg on your battery , does it pull the plunger in?  Then
take a continuity tester and check the two large terminals do you have
continuity?  If all abouve is YES then solder your connections back to
original condition.

Reinstall solinoid on starter and then put starter in a vise hook it up much
like you did before except put the positive on the large solinoid terminal
that would normally bre hooked to the battery, now jump from this pint two
the large unmarked spade with a small screwdriver does everything work?  did
the gear move forward to ingage? does everything turn normally? Try agin a
cluple of times just to make sure then reinstall!!!!!!


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