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Re: Re[3]: Palo Alto British Car Meet Report <9608098422.AA8

Subject: Re: Re[3]: Palo Alto British Car Meet Report <>
From: Berry Kercheval <>
Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 14:22:01 PDT
>>> said:
 >      lots of Rollers (including one 
 >      that wanted to hang out with the Triumphs - TR envy? :-))

I spoke to the fellow minding that Rolls -- it was back to back with Sybil. 
It seems the owner of the Rolls is trying to sell it, and is out of town, so 
his buddy with the TR-6 brought both cars and parked them in the TR section, 
since HIS car is a Triumph and he didn't want to traipse back and forth to the 
Expensive Section of the field.

THe seller wants $15,000 for that Silver Shadow -- a darn good price if yo ask 
me, still cheaper than an flipping Acura or Lexus and a heckuva a better car 
to boot, IMAO.

I also talked to some of the Rolls Royce people since I'm starting in on my 
Bentley restoration in earnest now, and they're all very nice, Grey Poupon 
notwithstanding.  One even offered to let me have spare parts from his stash!


Berry Kercheval :: :: Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

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