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Re[2]: "Smog Check Phase II" in California, USA

To:, Paul Nicklin <>
Subject: Re[2]: "Smog Check Phase II" in California, USA
From: "Peter Mchugh" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 96 16:22:07 EST
     There is a distinct difference between cars and which our 
     forefathers may have anticipated in writing the 
     are not supposed to smoke...and besides, everyone should have a gun.

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Subject: Re: "Smog Check Phase II" in California, USA
Author:  Paul Nicklin <> at smtpgate
Date:    8/30/96 3:36 PM

A question: 
Is the average californian more likely to die from 
A) Air pollution from lovely old cars driven by nice people
B) Being gunned down by a drug crazed maniac with a stolen revolver?
It's a pity Triumphs weren't around when your constitution was 
written, then you would have a god given right to drive your car 
(much as you can all own guns) no matter how polluting it was
God bless America.
(Cynical after a hard day at work! Sorry)
We are fortunate to have the AA and RAC, and BMIHT in the UK who 
actively promote the classic car (part of our 'heritage' they say). 
Although the Car Manufacturers body still has a big say.
and although the rules are tightening, most pollution limits are set 
to a reasonable figure for the age of vehicle, and  pre '75 there's no limit 
(billowing blue smoke still fails though!).

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