>I didn't follow this whole thread - but MUST add my .02c
>Rik added - <<I agree. Well worth a listen. But be prepared. It goes on for
>some 25 minutes. It takes up one whole side of an album. You young'uns
>probably don't remember albums. They were big black vinyl things from which
>people used to listen to music, WAY back before compact disks. (Don't mind
>he's old enough to remember Arlo's daddy.)>>
>And JoeSimcoe is OLD enough to have frequented the original Alice's (much
>more character) before they moved it out by Tanglewood (it is still there
>isn't it - hate to tell you how long it has been since I've been there)
>Feeling Old, and remembering "albums"
I'm 26 AND remember albums....does that constitute being old?????
Rik, when you used to play those albums, did you have a record player that had
one LARGE speaker on the top(and maybe a dog listening to it, Do you remember