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Re: Do Spitfires Have Trunnions?

To: livo@chic.Saglac.Qc.Ca,
Subject: Re: Do Spitfires Have Trunnions?
From: "Chris Boston" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Aug 1996 14:34:20 +0100 "Do Spitfires Have Trunnions?" (Aug 30, 10:49am)
References: <>

Yes to all questions, although the "proper" way to oil them is by filling a
grease gun with EP 90 and applying to the nipple in the appropriate way.  Be
warned that this is very VERY messy.

Good luck,


On Aug 30, 10:49am, livo@chic.Saglac.Qc.Ca wrote:
> Subject: Do Spitfires Have Trunnions?
> Do Spitfires have trunnions on the front supsension like Heralds?
> Are they like Heralds: (quote from a British magazine):
> "Weakest link in the suspension is in the front suspension swivels, known as
> trunnions. These should be lubricated (with EP 90 oil, not grease) regularly
> or they may seize up and snap".
> If it is the same for Spitfires, how do you OIL them?
> Can you unscrew the grease niiple (or plug) and then squirt in oil from an
> oil can?
> All helpful replies will be very much appreciated.
> John Vincent
>-- End of excerpt from livo@chic.Saglac.Qc.Ca

-- 1977 Spitfire 1500...Everyday/Only Driver.

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