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Mini's are not TR's...

Subject: Mini's are not TR's...
From: (Pat Leask)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 11:40:13 -0700
 > Okay, I'm three years ahead on my wife's plan on her mini. (We have had it
 > three weeks....) and the body is stripped.
Before you get flames I'll gently point out that Minis are not Triumphs

Thankyou, yes I know. I subscribed to the MINI group and got next to zero
help from the group. I post a note here and get LOTS of help. There is such
a differance inthe "Membership" it is hard to understand. I'm not asking
specific mini questions, just questions that could relate to any car. At
least it is a LBC,, or is that a "Mini" LBC....

1966 TR4 A (See, I DO have a TR <G> !)

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