Ralph Jannelli <rjannelli@uncc.campus.mci.net> wrote :
>>>Well I got that corrected and then went to install the 38 inch used drive
shaft I bought, this is the dimension that the John Kipping catalog says is
needed (the non O/D shaft is 41.25 inches). Quess what? It did not fit!!! I
measured the distance between the diff flange and the tranny flange and get 37.5
inches. Arghhh!!<<<
What kind of car could you have to have 37,5" between diff and gearbox ?
you did not mention what Spitfire is it, i suppose it's a MK1/2/3/IV if you need
a different OD shaft.
I have 3 OD shafts from MK3 Spitfires on hand and just measured it, they are all
96.5cm, 38" !
(measuring the shafts in vertical position, so sliding joint is in, shaft is at
its shortest lenght)
On the other hand, there is a problem in the (very good) J.Kipping catalog :
38" is .97m, and 38.75" is .94m !!! I didn't know british measurements were so
strange ! And John did not precise if he measure the shaft maxi or mini lenght
(sliding joint).
Take courage, Spit is great with an OD ! (I put one on my MK3 six years ago, it
changed my life !)
Francois Demont 100304.2046@compuserve.com
Spitfire MK3, 1968, valencia blue, every day car